Sandrina Lindgren

built with Indexhibit

Farenheit 451

Direction: Sandrina Lindgren and Ishmael Falke
Production: TOK curators (Anna Bitkina, Maria Veits and Marina Zaytseva)
Performers: Юлия Никонорова,Маргарита Павлова, Ольга Скрипачёва, Мария Павлова, Анастасия Козлова, Карина Щербакова, Елизавета Давлетова, Мария Радзивилл, Дуня Трухина, Регина Хабибуллина, Юля Егорова, Мадина Карданова, Марина Шведова, Екатерина Свинцова, Вадим Казыханов

Commissioned by TOK - The Creative Association of Curators, for Critical Mass 2016.

Based on the known science fiction novel by Ray Bradbury, this project was formed as a collective artistic research into the subject of censorship in today’s Russia. At the center of the process stood the meeting between the directors and a group of St. Petersburg-based performers. During a intensive- month long working process the collective dealt with questions around censorship: what should be forbidden, if at all? and how does self-censorship become more efficient than the government’s own laws?

Combining puppetry, dance and clowning practice the performance was adapted into the library space of the British Book Center / Izmaelovsky library in St. Petersburg.